News list for " ACDC"

153rd Ethereum ACDC meeting: Developers agree to postpone Pectra mainnet date

Galaxy Research VP Christine Kim posted a summary of the 153rd Ethereum Core Developer Consensus (ACDC) conference call. This week developers reconfirmed the Pectra test plan and plan to upgrade the newly launched Hoodi testnet on March 26; developers agreed to postpone the mainnet date of Pectra until they see an upgrade of Hoodi and further testing of Pectra functionality on Hoodi; in addition, developers also discussed the inclusion of EIP7688 in the Fusaka upgrade.

2025-03-21 02:51:57

Galaxy研究副总裁Christine Kim发文总结第153次以太坊核心开发者共识(ACDC)电话会议。本周开发人员再次确认了Pectra测试计划,并计划在3月26日升级新启动的Hoodi测试网;开发人员同意推迟Pectra的主网日期,直到看到Hoodi的升级情况以及在Hoodi上对Pectra功能的进一步测试;此外,开发人员还讨论了将EIP7688纳入Fusaka升级的问题。

2025-03-21 02:51:57
152nd Ethereum ACDC meeting: Developers will work to return Holesky to a stable state

Galaxy Research Vice President Christine Kim posted a summary of the 152nd Ethereum Core Developer Consensus (ACDC) conference call. This week, developers agreed on a new strategy for testing Pectra based on the progress of the Holesky and Sepolia upgrades; developers will continue to work on restoring Holesky to a stable state, which is expected to take approximately three weeks; in addition, developers will initiate a Holesky shadow fork, inheriting the exact same state and on-chain environmen...

2025-03-07 03:09:54

Galaxy 研究副总裁 Christine Kim 发文总结第 152 次以太坊核心开发者共识(ACDC)电话会议。本周开发人员根据 Holesky 和 Sepolia 升级的进展情况,商定了测试 Pectra 的新策略;开发人员将继续努力把 Holesky 恢复到稳定状态,预计大约需要三周时间;此外,开发人员将启动 Holesky 影子分叉,继承与原始公共测试网完全相同的状态和链上环境。

2025-03-07 03:09:54
137th Ethereum ACDC Conference: Pectra Devnet 1 to Release New Beta Next Week

Christine Kim, Vice President of Research at Galaxy, posted a summary of the 137th ACDC conference call, where developers discussed the progress of PectraDevnet1 and PeerDASDevnet1, as well as the fork selection test generation study led by Consensys' research team TxRx. The CL and Execution Layer (EL) client side are ready for the release of PectraDevnet1, and developers expect to launch the next testnet next week. EFDevOps engineer Barnabas Busa said the CL client side team is fixing Pee...

2024-07-12 04:18:55
第137次以太坊ACDC会议:Pectra Devnet 1将于下周发布新版测试网

Galaxy研究副总裁ChristineKim发文总结第137次ACDC电话会议主要内容,开发人员讨论了PectraDevnet1和PeerDASDevnet1的进展,以及由Consensys的研究团队TxRx领导的分叉选择测试生成研究。CL和执行层(EL)客户端已经为PectraDevnet1的发布做好准备,开发人员预计下周将推出下一个测试网。 EFDevOps工程师BarnabasBusa称,CL客户端团队正在修复Pee...

2024-07-12 04:18:55
134th Ethereum ACDC Conference: Discussing post-Pectra Devnet 0 experience and unresolved issues

On May 31st, according to Christine Kim's summary of the 134th Ethereum Consensus Layer Core Developer Conference (ACDC), the conference mainly discussed the experience and unresolved issues after the release of Pectra Devnet0. In addition, the expansion of the Pectra upgrade to include peer DAS and SSZ container code changes was also discussed. According to Pectra's release on Devnet0, the client side team has agreed to keep the proof behavior affected by EIP7549 unchanged during the hard fork ...

2024-05-31 01:15:13
第134次以太坊ACDC会议:讨论Pectra Devnet 0发布后的经验和未解决的问题

5月31日消息,据Christine Kim对第134次以太坊共识层核心开发者会议(ACDC)的总结,本次会议主要讨论了Pectra Devnet0发布后的经验和未解决的问题。此外还讨论了扩大Pectra升级范围以包括peer DAS和SSZ容器代码更改。 根据Pectra在Devnet0上的发布,客户端团队已同意在硬分叉激活期间保持受EIP7549影响的证明行为不变。然后,开发人员讨论了EIP6110下验证器存款最终确定的未决...

2024-05-31 01:15:13
According to the Wall Street Journal, sources say Apple is working on an artificial intelligence chip for servers, codenamed ACDC.

According to the Wall Street Journal, sources say Apple is working on an artificial intelligence chip for servers, codenamed ACDC.

2024-05-06 23:22:21


2024-05-06 23:22:21
133rd Ethereum ACDC Conference: Target to complete devnet in 7-10 days

Ethereum developers held the 133rd ACDC conference call. First, an overview of the latest research on the Ethereum protocol confirmation rules, then, Pectra update, a discussion around EIP-7547 and CFI status, decided to put it on hold for now. Update released to v1.5.0-alpha.1 specification. Update on the implementation of devnet-0: Most teams...

2024-05-03 05:36:05

以太坊开发者举行了第133次ACDC电话会议。首先,概述对以太坊协议确认规则的最新研究,然后,Pectra更新,围绕EIP-7547和 CFI状态进行讨论,决定暂时搁置。对v1.5.0-alpha.1规格发布更新。关于devnet-0的实施更新:大多数团队...

2024-05-03 05:36:05
132nd Ethereum ACDC Conference: Discussing Pectra Developer Test Network, Electra-related unresolved issues

On April 19, Ethereum developers held the 132nd ACDC conference call. The developers discussed preparations for the first Pectra Developer Test Network (PectraDevnet0), as well as related specifications and two research projects. The developers also discussed unresolved issues related to Electra, including EIP7251 and EIP7549. In response to these issues, the developers proposed solutions, which are planned to be finalized within this week. In addition, a new EIP was discussed, designed to creat...

2024-04-19 07:12:28


2024-04-19 07:12:28
131st Ethereum ACDC conference call: discussing the EIPs that have been confirmed to be included in the Pectra upgrade

According to Christine Kim's summary of the 131st Ethereum Core Developer Consensus (ACDC) conference call, it mainly included discussions on the Deneb upgrade (addressing edge issues such as increased block loss after the upgrade), and the EIPs identified for inclusion in the Pectra upgrade, including:

2024-04-05 15:16:35

7x24 Newsflash

12:18 2025-03-27
3月27日消息,据 Cointelegraph 报道,加密投资平台 Bitpanda 最新的一项调查显示,欧洲银行和金融机构可能严重低估了对加密货币服务的需求,只有不到五分之一的银行和金融机构提供数字资产产品。该调查研究了欧洲 13 个国家的 10,000 名散户和商业投资者,发现超 40% 的商业投资者已经持有加密货币,另有 18% 的投资者计划在不久的将来进行...
12:15 2025-03-27
12:03 2025-03-27
Binance Wallet KiloEx代币TGE已结束,超44万枚BNB参与认购
据相关页面信息,KiloEx 通过 Binance Wallet 与 PancakeSwap 合作进行的代币生成活动(TGE)结束,获得约 44.29 万枚 BNB(2.8 亿美元)认购,项目计划募集 1213.94 枚 BNB,超募逾 36491%。
11:45 2025-03-27
即将上任的SEC主席Paul Atkins拥有600万美元的加密相关资产
3月27日消息,据《财富》报道,特朗普总统提名的 SEC 主席 Paul Atkins 持有达 600 万美元加密相关资产,其中包括加密托管公司 Anchorage Digital 和代币化公司 Securitize 合计 100 万美元的股权。Atkins 报告称,他在加密投资公司 Off the Chain Capital 拥有高达 500 万美元的股份,他是该公司的有限合伙人。Off the Chain 的投资包括 Digital Currency Group (DCG) 和 Kraken 等大型加密公司的私人股份...
11:42 2025-03-27
经济学家警告称,特朗普政府大幅削减联邦工作人员和研究经费的举措,可能会削弱美国“黄金标准”统计数据的质量和可信度。从就业报告到通胀指数,美国的数据可以在几毫秒内动摇华尔街 105 万亿美元的股票和债券市场,并且是影响这个世界最大经济体发展轨迹的政策的基础。 ...
11:30 2025-03-27
11:17 2025-03-27
据Whale Insider披露DeFiLlama数据显示,Sonic(前身为FTM)生态总锁仓量TVL已突破10亿美元,当前触及10.1亿美元,其生态下的AAVE V3总锁仓量达到2.6455亿美元,过去7天涨幅为72.99%。
11:11 2025-03-27
Sonic 宣布其 TVL 突破 10 亿美元
Sonic 官方发文宣布其总锁仓价值(TVL)已突破 10 亿美元。
10:56 2025-03-27
3月27日消息,据 The block 报道,公司公告称,由 Coinbase Ventures 支持的 web3 安全提供商 Harpie 因财务困难已立即关闭其链上防火墙业务。该公司于 2022 年 9 月从 Dragonfly Capital、Coinbase Ventures 和 OpenSea 等风险投资公司筹集了 450 万美元的种子资金。
10:44 2025-03-27
3月27日消息,据Onchain Lens监测,一名鲸鱼从Drift赎回了3万枚SOL(415万美元)和1197万枚USDC,并存入币安。这名鲸鱼损失了124万美元的SOL。
10:32 2025-03-27
Mysten Labs:部分用户使用Sui Wallet领取Walrus空投出现问题
Mysten Labs表示,已注意到一些用户在使用 Sui Wallet 领取 Walrus 空投时遇到了问题。团队正在积极解决问题。
10:29 2025-03-27
Pancake Swap或将推出独立IDO活动,认购代币为CAKE
3月27日消息,据@ai_9684xtpa监测,一小时前,创建KiloExIDO活动的地址再次创建了一笔新CreateIDO交易,与此前的区别在于:这次疑似新IDO是以CAKE为认购代币,而非BNB;持续时间从2小时变成了4天;关联合约从IDODeployerV2变为IDO DeployerV3;@ai_9684xtpa表示,这可能有别于Binance Wallet内部的IDO,而是Pancake Swap平台的独立打新。